Monday, February 1, 2010

The Bottom Line

"You can't win if you don't play."

There it is folks, the bottom line of bottom lines, courtesy of the California State Lottery. Now you being an astute reader (reading this blog automatically makes you an astute reader) you probably know that this post has nothing to do with playing the lottery, which, for the record, is gambling for the ultra stupid. Seriously you might as well just burn your money, or send it to me. But I digress...In this instance I am referring to, you guessed it, LIFE.

Fear, self doubt, feelings of low self worth, anxiety, lack of self confidence; all of these feelings (notice I said feelings and not emotions) are things most people struggle with every day and compel us to half ass it through life or just to quit "playing" out right. Trust me, I know, I have been there. But that moment when I realized that I was on the bench (stupid sports metaphor continues) and started working on getting back to playing was a great day. Its not an easy journey, some days are magical, some days are a struggle, but that is part of how it works. I am excited just to be back playing the game and trying to push myself to making the most of it every day. And just like in any game, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, in fact more often than not, you lose. But dammit, you are playing and that is the important part.

So when people ask me that trite, well worn question "What is your New Year's Resolution?" I just say, "To Play". Are you playing?


  1. I decided- JUST YESTERDAY- as a matter of fact, to start playing....
    Play hard!

  2. Play hard indeed. Also, in unrelated news, that's what she said.
